Course Advice
It is sometimes difficult to decide on a career and many students are not really sure about their individual strengths and weaknesses.
The more a young person knows about himself or herself, the easier it is to make the decision on a future career. Our one-day career workshop will help you to find out “what are my talents and which university course shall I choose"?
The workshop includes:
- psychological assessment tests
- tasks testing organization skills
- personal interview
- a detailed feedback including a personal profile regarding strengths, weaknesses and potential
- a written documentation of the results
Costs: The costs for the one-day workshop incl. a written documentation are EUR 990.- inkl. VAT.
Course Guidance Service
US-American and European universities are leaders in the international universities ranking. But what course and university is really right for me and how do I apply for the university of my choice?
The aim of our private course guidance service is to create a detailed and individual profile focusing on your strengths and talents. On the basis of our talent analysis we are able to recommend concrete university courses that suit you best. You will learn how and where you can best use your individual personal qualifications in your future life.
It is you as a person with all your gifts, talents, wishes and plans that we focus and concentrate on.